- By varrak
Seal, kus su Kuu. Seal, kus su saatus.
Looking for the sun
To find my way back home
Pilk Taevasse
Enne, kui Teele
Cast down into the darkness
To stumble towards unknown
Only emptiness to hold on to
Only shadows to seek support from
So arm your heart with self-worth
Yet prepare for sorrow and pain
Don’t let the fear eat you from inside
Wear your weaknesses with pride
And even if you crush my body
And drain it ’til the last drop
You can never touch my spirit
You can never touch my soul
No matter how bleak or how hopeless
No matter how hard or how far
You can never break my conation
Tear the will apart from desire
Thrown down into the flames
Enfolded by ash and ember
Quenched in scorching fire
Hardened in undying flare
Through demise and disaster
Past the flames of the end
Rise above ever stronger
Disown the past for the present
Don’t be guided by fear or failure
It’s now or never
Just give it all in
(Insomnium & Dark Tranquillity - Weather The Storm)
Just get it all In
"What we see in a dream is not 'unreal in the absolute sense', it's just a different way of understanding reality.
Which is a powerful thing."
-The Will.
WILL is the way to understand the world, through "just touching" it.
That is a full-blown whole-body experience .
You can't "just touch" the world with your thoughts.
Whole Sea of emanations , versus field point potentials.
That is why shaman's plants are so powerful- They lead us into direct contact with the world.
They make whole our Inland Sea to wave.
That is - THe WILL
Üks elu. Üks Võimalus.
Vastus, elamise väljakutsele
Dying doesn't make this world dead to us..
Dreaming doesn't make time less real for us..
One Life .. One Chance
Never walk away
Turn the back to Yourself
>>(Parema ja) vasaku käe tee.>
Tagasi tullakse, võimetega.
Taotlus , on Ring. Töö (Tee) ja tasu ühes.
---------- Don Juan pointed to me the three ways in which intent comes to us. The most predominating one is known by seers as "the intent of the first ring of power". This is a blind intent which comes to us by chance. It is as if we were in its way, or as if intent was in ours. Inevitably we find ourselves trapped in its net without having the least control of what is happening to us.
The second way is when intent comes to us by its own. This requires a considerable amount of purpose, a sense of determinationon our part. Only in our capability as warriors we can put ourselves voluntarily in the way of intent; we summon it, so to speak. Don Juan explained to me that his insistence in being an impeccable warrior was nothing more than an effort to let intent know that he is putting himself in its way.
Don Juan used to say that warriors call this phenomenon "power". Thus when they speak of having personal power, they are referring to the intent that comes to them voluntarily. The outcome, he used to say to me, can be described as the facility to find new solutions, or the facility to affect people or events. It is as if other possibilities, previously unknown by the warrior, suddenly become apparent. In this way, an impeccable warrior never plans anything ahead, but his actions are so decisive that it seems as if the warrior had calculated beforehand each facet of his activity.
The third way inwhich we find intent is the most rare and complex of the three; it occurs when intent allows us to harmonize with it. Don Juan described this state as the real moment of power: the culmination of a lifetime effort in search of impeccability. Only supreme warriors obtain it, andas long as they are in such state, intent lets itself be handled by them at will. It is as if intent had fused in those warriors, and in doing so it transforms them into a pure force, without preconceptions. Seers call this state the "intent of the second ring of power", or "will".
Don Juan asserted that with the interruption of the intent of the first ring of power we become receptive and moldable; a nagual can then introduce the intent of the second ring of power. Don Juan was convinced that children of a certain age find themselves in a similar situation of receptivity; being deprived of intent, they are ready to be imprinted with any intent which is available to the teachers who surround them.
-Carlo Castaneda "Six explanatory prepositiond." (peatükk, mis jäi välja raamatust "Kotka and.")
- Künnise ees, Esimene Ring,
siis lahustumine osadeks-dissotsiatsioon-shamaanihaigus,
"Väike Surm,"
siis Tahte kogumine, terviklikkuse kogumine.
Tee "tagasi Ixtlani."
The second attention.
Don Juan explained to me that the examination of the secondattention must begin with the realization that the force of the first ringof power, which boxes us in, is a physical, concrete edge. Seers havedescribed it as a wall of fog, a barrier that can be systematicallybrought to our awareness by means of the blocking of the first ring ofpower; and then can be perforated by means of the warrior's training.
" Äkki kuulsin don Juani häält.
Ta soovitas mul mitte vormi juurde toppama jääda.
Peaksin minema kaugemale, sest vorm on ainult üks aste, peatuskoht, mis toob nendele, kes rändavad tundmatusse, ajutist rahu ja selgust.
Kuid vorm on steriilne, staatiline. See on üksnes tasapinnaline kujutis peeglis ja ühtaegu peegel ise.
See on vaid inimese peegelpilt. "
- Tundmatu künnis.
Kus jäetakse maha, Inimese Vorm.
Kus jäetakse maha, religioon.
Linnupete, teeb silmad klaariks..
Seob Päikese ja Kuu
Olime Kujutud, kuni meid püüdis Inimese Vorm..
See tõmbas meid, kui koiliblikaid valgus.
Meie teel läbi Varjude Oru.
Teel Mäele.
Isa Vaimule vastu.