> >

   Anima ja Animus vahendavad Ego suhtlust Varjuga, teadvuse suhtlust alateadvusega..

   Armumine "lülitab" selle ühenduse sisse.
   Mängib, me hingekeeltel.

   Kui "kukume"












   Gone is the power in which we entrusted


   After the winter the time of Rebirth












                            "Filosoofide kivis"-
                            Must - vabadus surmahirmust (surmateadlikkuse läbi)
                            Punane - passionaarsuse-soojus
                            Valge - tasane, laitmatu voolavus (muutumises-olek)




                                                 .. Kus lõpeb passionaarsus , ja kus algab hullus ?






                           .. Kus lõpeb leegi äär , ja kus algab leegi tuum ?



             Kuidas põletada ,Hinge ??


             Kuidas põletada ,Vabadust ??




             Minge irikusse, hoiate sealgi küttekulusid hingeõhuga kokku. Kõhuhingamine on tore aga ma soovitan proovida tulehingamist. Täitsa toimib. Saate kah hanges sassi panna kui välja tuleb.
- Lokster

             But what does Gullveig mean? Many modern scolars have interpreted Gullveig as being a witch because she short of becomes one afer she is burned. Most have pointed out that the burning of Gullveig represents the burning of a witch and this was done as some sort of punishment because the goddess was greedy for gold and that she corrupted the women. Her name has often been interpreted as being greedy for gold and as such this somehow justifies her burning.
- Arith Harger







                >Dreams seem to be the self-illusion of Death
                -Hrafngaldr Odins


             ..Kui Tiivad, Põlevad..


             ..Lennul Hulluse, ja Kainuse, vahel..




                " Od is the ecstasy that causes the mind to transcend outside the physical body. It is the means to cause ecstasy. Odroerir is the spiritual intoxicating perception or state of mind achieved through a series of techniques that leads the person to the limit, to that fine line between madness and sanity. "









                                   MADU LEIAB ALATI TEE VÄLJA



                                This life-force is the living entity of the cosmos which creates life with its breath, with its flowing power, and it creates worlds. And such a force resides in the very core of our planet, and that burning core that contains the very essence of life, which is the megin of the Earth itself, is the generator of this force and unleashes it upon all living things, creating a web of life. And this life-force that slithers within and without, our ancestors called it a serpent. "


                                ENERGIA LEIAB ALATI TEE VÄLJA




                                Kui Hing, avardub Oma õigesse mõõtmesse.




                                " ...and they killed him, and poured his blood into... called Bodn, Són and Ódroerir.
                                They combined his blood with honey...




                                ...Thus he could have three draughts of mead. But with each draught he emptied a whole container.
                                He then transformed into an eagle and flew away. "









    Hinge tee välja Hirmudemaalt.




    Rahu, mis ei küsi, teistest
    Mis ei lase end häirida, teistest.


    Sest kiirgub välja, iseenda Olemisest.

    Luues, maagia sädemeid.


    Rahust endaga, enda sees.




" Samanōn is an album marked by the will to give birth in the listener’s mind to a sparkle of magic. Then to breathe on it, make the fire grow and spread, enlighten and burn the whole soul with the fire of ancient creeds and legends, and then let the fire come down gently, watch the embers live and glow in the dark. "





Silmad on seotud ajuga, välises

Hingega, olemusega, sisemises


Häälestudes üksnes välisele,
jäädaksegi otsima, vastuseid välisest

Vastuseid mõistusele


Vastuseid, et rahuldada, mõistust.





Hingesilm , näeb vahetult






    Enese otsingud..

    Self-search ..



    Hinge leekide keeles

    In the language of the breath of flames







    ~ Mitte-Ise

        ~ Tahe

            Great Work.
            ~ Otsing vaimus
            Varjupool -kui õndsusest saab põhjendus Tahte loovutamisele
            ~ Jumalate (ja saatanate) toitmine


    maailm inimkuju taga


    ~ Kannatus.

        ~ Hoolimine

            Marriage of the Soul. ~ Otsing hinges
            Varjupool -kui kannatusest saab õigustus hoolimatusele
            ~ Deemonite (ja inglite) toitmine


    hinge tume öö


    ~ Kaduvus

        Datta. ~ Andmine

            Spirit Quest.
            ~ Sisemise maailma otsing
            Varjupool -kui kaduvusest saab õigustus klammerdumisele
            ~ Oma naba imetlemine


    inimkuju maailm




Siiruses.. Vahetuses..

Selles miskis mis loob " Ühenduse Loodusega "

" Päris-Inimeses" meis..


Inimeses kelles Sisu

Kelle koduks , Ilmapuu







                                             Avab , rajad
                                             Kutsub , rajale

                                             Sala sosinal


                                             Ennete keeles


                                             Kutsub , Välja.


                                             Värava taga.






       Kes me oleme ?

       Kes on meist saanud ?

       Mis takistab meil olemast me ise ?







       Hing on nagu leek.

       See põletab. See soojendab. Selles on igavikuline mõõde.

       Selle hõõgus, läbib ja puudutab.




