





Kõigi nende (alateadlik, või ka teadlik) eesmärk kes meile jumalat mängivad on meid oma Tahe alla saada.
Selleks oma õpetustes, seatakse Tahe alamaks. Tahte täieliku eituseni välja.
Tahe algab Keskelt. Peame olema Keskel, et meie Tahe saaks avalduda.
Välised Jumalad valitsevad "nurkades."

Õpetused mis seavad Tahte alamaks, püüavad meid petta välja meie Keskmest.
Oma nurka.
Tahe häälestab kokku sisemise ja välimise, joostes kinni nurka "oleme ainult väljas."
Keskele, meie asemele, saab jumal.
Õigemini meie enda projektsioon jumalast. Projektsioon mis annab jumalale võimu.


Puuduv Kese = Dissotsiatsioon.

Jumala kütus, on tema dissotsieerunud jüngrid.



Meie kannatuste algus.


Meie Ise dissotsiatsiooni algus.
















Haavast võib saada tugevus. Ja tugevus, anda superjõu.





















                     'In all this they call life'








Kõigil meil, omad omased sügavad haavad mida paranematuks peame,
kaasas kanname, aga "näkku" ja sisse vaadata kardame.

Sest kardame oma Varjupoolt. Sest Ego kardab Varjupoolt.

Kuni Ego vabaks laseme.
Kuni Tühjuse endasse laseme.

Siis, meie sügavaimast Haavast, saab, millest leiame suurima Jõu.












                     'Illusory treading on reality'


                     Teadvustasand hüpleb üles-alla, kui Ego võimutseb.
                     Illusoorsuses tiireldes.




       "Ego ongi karma. Seda muuta ei saa. Ainult saame selle illusoorsest olemusest läbi näha, aga see muidugi ei kaota illusiooni."


       Let it be
       Set it free




'Set fire into your soul
And never let go'






                     " Nauthiz, the need-fire, is a rune with a dual nature. In one sense it is the hard hollow of lack, it is the cold earth, the dark days, the emptiness of loss, of starvation, the dark night of the soul.
But it is also the hands that kindle the fire in that darkness and it is the spark of hope that won’t let you role over and die. That spark is the tenacity of human nature that keeps on trying – even when you are at your lowest ebb. The shape of the rune suggests two twigs being rubbed together; they are dry and brittle, lacking in life, but ideal for creating that spark you need.

Nauthiz connects with the trickster, the one who cheats death and finds the way out of every hopeless situation..

                     This rune is about survival, not just of the body but of the soul..

                     The dark night of the soul brings an experience of suffering.. "









                                Süütab tule. Hoiab, tuld.


       Kuiv puu.





Ego surm pole muud kui oma vaimaspekti võrdsena tunnistamine ja kaasamine. EGO jääb alles ja vägagi ning omab endisi õigusi. Vahe vaid selles ,et ta ei teeks lollusi arengus. Ja vaimasepkt on küll viimane ,kes hakkab sõnalispildiliselt , ühiskonnapäraselt, maagia sümbolitega, teaduslikult jne. endast märku andma. See on aga juba tundmus-tajuline teema ja juhuste ja kokkulangevuste ,,märgikeel,,.


Vaimsus on just massist distantseerumine ehk , avarama pildi sisse minek.


At that point I began to experience a unique difficulty in concentrating onwhat he was saying, not because I was distracted or fatigued, but becausemy mind, on its own, had started to play the game of anticipating his words.It was as if an unknown part of myself were inside me, trying unsuccessfullyto find adequate words to voice a thought. As don Juan spoke, I felt I couldanticipate how he was going to express my own silent thoughts. I wasthrilled to realize his choice of words was always better than mine couldhave been. But anticipating his words also diminished my concentration.I abruptly pulled over to the side of the road.

And right there I had, forthe first time in my life, a clear knowledge of a dualism in me. Twoobviously separate parts were within my being.One was extremely old, at ease, indifferent.

It was heavy, dark, andconnected to everything else. It was the part of me that did not care becauseit was equal to anything. It enjoyed things with no expectation.

other part was light, new, fluffy, and agitated. It was nervous, andfast. It cared about itself because it was insecure; and did not enjoyanything, simply because it lacked the capacity to connect itself to anything.It was alone; on the surface; vulnerable. That was the part with which Inormally looked at the world.I deliberately looked around with that part. Everywhere I looked I sawextensive farmlands. And that insecure, fluffy, and caring part of me gotcaught between being proud of the industriousness of man and being sad atthe sight of the magnificent old Sonoran desert turned into an orderly sceneof furrows and domesticated plants.
-Castaneda, Power of Silence.







On (paganlik) siht hoida Sisemist tuld.

On (religioosne) siht saada üheks jumalaga, kütteks jumalale.

Kuivaks pirruks, Kiriku lõkkes.


Pagan süütab Tule endas. Enda Tuumas.


Põleb, Endas.



In a day that holds no other
What are we? The fuel or the flame?
In the life, that hides behind you
What are you?



The shine of trembling stars,
Out in the distant
Curse this lack of site,
Into darkness without end




Do not hide your sorrow

Or banish it from sight

Take it out to burn,
Turn the pain against it










When the Sun is dancing
Rolling over Hills of Noone
Butterflies are lazy
Madness is what I discover
Distant sounds of strange ways
'T means the sunny days are over
Someone knows of my name
Universe of disorder
Curtain disappears
Doomsday show is going on
Something in my ears
Music of my narrow home
Twilight Sun is actor
Really great eternal hero
Happy end of this world
The end of show is near
Broken hearts are bleeding
They feel sorry for this story
Noone can't stop heeding
Hailing to the actor's glory
Twilight Sun is dancing
Rolling over Hills of Noone
Warriors of wasteland
Singing "world is over"
There is a home I live alone
The storming waters in my pond
Unbeaten tracks and endless road…














                     We can make it through death

                     Flow with rivers

                     Beneath consciousness

                     Our shadows extend











Müstika elab, Miski, ja Mitte-miski vahel.


'Süttimise kohas'.

'Kadumise piiril'.



'Tule sängis'.