- By varrak
>>and Apollo has a lyre of seven strings..>
Apollo was said to have come from Hyperborea..
Saadik, esimeste paganate maalt.
An Arrow To The Sun.
" The seventh and last group in the third section of “Adulruna Rediviva” depicts “a threat
to the leadership of the law.”
Here the runic cross turns into a bow with an arrow aimed at the target - that is,
into Byrghal / humanity: this fleece is called here a target from a single rod. "
" Bureus gives different versions of the run cross different names and meanings. In addition to representing the shepherd's rod and Abari's arrow, it is also a picture of Orpheus lyra. In Greek mythology, Orpheus is the son of the sun god Apollon and represents the art of music "
" During the rule of the egyptian pharaoh Echnaton (Amenotep IV) came an important religious change. Pharaoh Echnaton was a very important pharaoh. He single-handedly changed the worship in egypt from the worship of many gods to the worship of just one god in particular and to the exclusion of all other gods. The name of this god was Ra. Coincidentally this is where we get the word sunray. Pharaoh Echnaton established that from now on there is only one god, The Sun. And his full name was Amen-Ra. The pharaoh said that when you pray to god you must pray through the son of god Amen-Ra because he represented god and at the end of the prayer in the ancient temples of egypt they would say amen.
The ancient calendar didn't start with January.
Instead they started their calendar in a different constellation. To be precise the consolation of Virgo, The Virgin. Consequently the egyptians and the ancient sumerian cultures said that the son of god who died on the cross and was resurrected in the constellation of Virgo, The Virgin. Jesus christ the son of god born of a virgin. This is why in front of a pyramid you have a Sphinx. The Sphinx has the head of a woman and the body of a Lion. This symbolized the zodiac overseeing the pyramid, because as i mentioned their zodiac began with Virgo, The Virgin, the head of the Sphinx and ended with Leo, The Lion, or the body of the Sphinx, which symbolically was the complete zodiac. "
" In the first fifteen, the runes Odhen, Thors and Frej are in a row.
Together Bureus calls these runes as TOF and they represent the original Nordic Trinity.
In the spirit of Gothic, Bureus meant that the original true religion
lasted longer in the Nordic countries than in the Southern countries. "
kui " Odinist ja Lokist saab üks"
On inimesed, kes tegelevad Oma Võitlus(t)ega. Iseendas.
Ja on inimesed, kes tegelevad sõdurite kogumisega, Oma poolele,
et ei peaks tegelema, Oma Võitlus(t)ega.
Võitlusega, mille seeme peidus igasühes meist.
Muinasjuttudest, teise pilguga:
>>Тайна "мёртвых" царевен, часть 1>
>>Тайна "мёртвых" царевен, часть 2>
>>Золушка. Тайный смысл сказки>
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